Best Home Office Ideas to Increase Working Quality

    Although things seem to have returned to normal, it is undeniable that everyone has changed. The truth is, its impacts on the economy and society can still be felt and will remain for some time. As a consequence, most people have become more conscious about public health, disease dissemination and the importance of science in everyday life. Many began to place more importance on time spent with family and at home, while companies have realized that home office can be just as effective.

home office

    The result is that people have begun modifying their spaces to accommodate new uses which might have been unthinkable before. Our homes had to become, in a few weeks, places for rest, work, study, sports and leisure. Most were not prepared for this change, but gradually both residents and architects and designers found ways to adapt to the new reality.

home office

    We've learned that accommodating home office functions into a home means more than just setting up a table in the only free corner of the apartment.

Home & Office: The new rhythm between living and working

    A ubiquitous example of transition design is the new rhythm of life many have between the home and the office. More than just changing up the furniture placement or adding a few work-related objects, there are a number of transition elements that can redefine the look and functionality of both products and furniture.

home office

    Finding a balance between one's work and personal lives is important, especially if home office is involved. When work life and home life become blurred together, conflicting emotions can come up and people can end up feeling like they've been both working indefinitely and not doing enough.

home office

    It is usually recommended to have a specific space dedicated just for work, but which does not necessarily have to be rigid. Creating a transition between the living and working space using some furniture and décor can contribute. Surfaces with soberer finishes and neutral colors can calm the mind and favor concentration, while wood surfaces bring greater comfort.

Top tips for a calm, cozy and clutter-free home office 

    Choose a natural wall color that helps you focus.

home office

    Position your desk to make the most of any natural light, without getting glare or reflecting on your screen.

    Use pretty cups and trays to keep stationery neat, tidy and easily accessible

    Add plenty of storage to store away files and other less-usage things. Floating shelves are ideal as you can see everything in one glance, rather than having to open lots of separate drawers.

wall display

    Make your office more personal with little displays of treasured objects, photos and inspiring postcards. Hang a few artworks that you find inspiring but not overwhelming or distracting- abstract prints are ideal.

    Light scented candles for a cozy atmosphere - perhaps an invigorating fragrance to help you focus in the morning, then a relaxing one to wind down towards the end of the day.


    Bring nature inside with plants, flowers and foliage - research shows they aid concentration and creativity.

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