Wood Furniture Blend with Nature

"Humans are hard-wired to respond positively to nature; the crackling sound of fire, the smell of fresh rain on soil, the healing characteristics of plants and the color green, being in proximity to animals, etc. That, along with today’s critical environmental conditions and rapid urbanization, shifted architects' focus towards eco-conscious projects to bring people closer to nature. Architects explored numerous approaches: rammed earth structures, recycled materials and furnishing, designing around the site's sun orientation... The practice was so driven by green architecture that the lines became blurred between what is truly sustainable and ecological and what is "greenwashed". But what proved to bring about the most innate biological connection with nature was biophilia, and "bringing the outdoors in" through design.

By definition, biophilic design promotes wellbeing by incorporating elements that establish a coherent relationship between nature, human biology, and the building physically, visually, and emotionally. This includes using natural materials, incorporating greenery, an abundance of natural light, and making room for natural ventilation, to name a few. The successful application of biophilic design principals stimulates a wide spectrum of physical, mental and behavioral benefits. Physical benefits include improved fitness, lower blood pressure, and fewer illness symptoms. Mental benefits include motivation, productivity, creativity, and a decrease in stress and anxiety. Behavioral and cognitive changes include improved coping skills, enhanced attention span, and increase in social interaction. " 


Nature within the Room

The main and most common way of incorporating biophilic elements into interior design is through furniture made from natural materials, such as solid wood and rattan.

Using furniture made from natural materials is a great way to incorporate biophilic elements into interior design. It not only adds a touch of nature to the room but also provides a sense of warmth and comfort. However, it is important to note that the furniture should be balanced with other design elements to avoid an overly rustic or outdated look. 

Of course, incorporating plants in interiors is also a great way to integrate biophilic elements into interior. Integrating vegetation indoors serves many purposes whether practical, aesthetic or psychological.


Simple Furniture Design

Simple furniture design is design that brings relaxing and calm feelings. Because of the rush that most of the people have all day, this type of design makes them more relaxed. Simple furniture design is also very good because it allows you to experiment with the accessories. The best thing about this is that you can change the accessories any time you want but keep the same furniture and have different and new interior design. That is why most of the people decide to have minimalistic and simple furniture at home. As Mies van der Rohe said –  Less is more.

Here are some simple designed furniture that can easily be adapted to any style of room.

1. Double Rattan Shelf 

2. Entryway Wooden Shoe Rack 

3. Kids Bookshelf

4. Wood Rattan Clothes Rack


5. Adjustable Wall Display Shelf

6. Router Storage Box

7. Rattan Narrow Storage Shelf

8. Freestanding Bookcase

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