What is a Good Interior Design?

    A good interior design is not only about looking good, but also about helping the occupants to stay healthy.

   So what is considered a good interior design, and what are the factors that make any interior space a good one? 

    As people became more aware of the importance of wellness and made choices towards having a more successful existence, it became crucial that interiors design with a more holistic approach, meeting human needs through combination that combine the health, aesthetic, and practicality.

    It is believed that the notion of well-being mainly consists of two key elements: feeling good and functioning well; put briefly, design, in all its aspects, should ensure health, comfort, and happiness.

  Physical Well-Being

   To ensure the physical health of a space’s occupants, designers mainly look into the air quality, thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort, as well as materials that prevent growth of mold or harmful bacteria.

   The term “comfort” is commonly defined as a “condition of mind which expresses satisfaction” with the environment, whether it being visual, aural or sniffing.

   But what is considered physically comfortable or healthy for a university student, for instance, is not necessarily comfortable for a middle-aged employee.

   This is where good design comes into play; design that is flexible and adaptable, and caters to each of its users without compromising the other.

  Emotional Well-Being

   Another element under the well-being umbrella is the emotional well-being, which often goes hand in hand with the physical one.

   This describes interiors that exude feelings of happiness, positivity, curiosity, serenity, and engagement, moving towards a more subjective and psychological environment.

   Emotional well-being is often the result of an abundance of natural sunlight, integration of nature, moderate indoor temperature, comfortable and cozy material selection, and a duality between intimate and common spaces.

  Solid Wood, Preferred Material

   Solid wood is natural and environmentally friendly. The natural solid wood is used to reduce the probability of industrial and chemical pollution at source, allowing occupants to enjoy a healthy and natural lifestyle to the fullest.

  Visually Friendly

   Solid wood has its own natural texture. And different woods have different grain colors, each with its own characteristics, make the furniture have more choice. The texture of solid wood is not only friendly and natural, but also can also reduce the visual stimulation of external light, absorbing ultraviolet light. That is the reasons why we often feel comfortable looking at the solid wood color.

  Auditory Friendly

   In terms of molecular structure, solid wood is a porous material. It has a good sound absorption, sound insulation and noise reduction effect. If you place solid wood furniture in a room with a lot of space, not only will it not look empty as a whole, but it will also bring the occupants a comfortable and quiet enjoyment. It is often invisible and gives a sense of security.

  Smell friendly

   Solid wood itself has a faint woody fragrance. The smelling is not pungent but rather soothing, a gift from nature. Solid wood furniture with its own fragrance effect on our home life also has a certain calming and insect repellent effect.


    So a good interior design needs good furniture to complete it, and good furniture needs good materials to create it. What is a good material? Solid wood is a good choice.

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